

By Shaan Mohammad Ibne Javed Soyfoo (23030935)

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As I look back on the journey of the assignment, I am filled with insights that have shaped both my understanding of the subject and my approach to academic tasks, despite the challenges faced. The written response, research paper and portfolio became transformative experiences, pushing me to explore new avenues of knowledge and develop crucial skills.

The first task required submitting the written response, and the main challenge was the constraint of expressing my argument within a limit of 320 words, considering all the things to be said about the negative financial consequences of OG (Online Gambling) amongst the youth. Finding the perfect articles for my title was a bit difficult at first since there were few articles directly related to it, even though negative consequences of OG are so common and discussed nowadays. This was also my first time writing a paper and looking for articles on Sunway Library, Google Scholar, or any other platforms. For the research paper, after discussing with my teammates, I was assigned to write the main point on negative financial consequences of OG and the counterargument. So far, the latter was the most challenging task since I had no idea what I was going to convey. Subsequently, reading both the articles that I have chosen and the ones my team members helped me gather, I was finally able to grasp the situation and produce some points. At last, the portfolio was the most creative thing we have done for the assignment. One of my partners chose to code the whole portfolio from scratch, which allowed us to express our ideas the way we really wanted to.

However, at first, I could not understand why that for a Bachelor's in Computer Science, we had to attend English classes. Even though General Paper used to be one of my favourite subjects in A-Levels, having English for my first semester was not what I expected and wanted. As we were moving forward, I could figure out that the subject was important and helped by exposing us to the world of researching and writing, at a higher level.

Consequently, throughout my journey, from the written response to the portfolio, in every step of the way, I was able to learn new things leading to an opportunity for further growth. Overall, it has been a supercalifragilisticexpialidocious experience.