

By Joshua Edwin Rene Bonham (23020050)

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When we started this coursework, we had difficulty choosing between three niche topics. Subsequently, this created another issue of accessibility of research articles. All group members were able to find adequate research information but were limited by paywalled publishers inaccessible by the Sunway Library. However, we overcame this obstacle by delving deeper into attaining vital information from other subsidiary peer-reviewed articles based on meta-analytic studies of gambling, gambling law, and online betting and its effect on youth.

Furthermore, I was tasked to write 2 sections of our 6-section research paper which included the introduction and the third supporting argument. The introduction was time-consuming as I had to build my understanding of the history of gambling and present issues regarding youth. Nonetheless, it allowed me to establish a firm thesis statement. Additionally, research into the marketing of online gambling (OG) and its ramifications on youth (the third argument) was demanding as all relevant research was limited to qualitative studies and few accurate quantitative studies. However, piecing together different articles and website statistics allowed for a valid and stimulating argument.

Additionally, this assignment allowed me to fully embrace a project-based learning mentality. I initially thought that working in a group was going to be a challenging obstacle. However, my group and I quickly realised that successful and detailed delegation of tasks was at the forefront of creating a mindful and elaborate piece of coursework. We took the initiative to meet periodically to review each other's tasks and discuss future modifications.

Moreover, we decided to take a different approach to how we displayed our portfolio by coding a website. One group member was tasked with coding the website as he has the most experience in web development. The second group member and I were tasked to create designs for each part of the website. We namely focused on colour palettes, theme allocation, layout, and font. I enjoyed the creative aspect of it as I found ways to learn and utilise resources in conglomeration to make the website design more unique to OG. A good illustration of this would be how the 'Table of Contents' section consists of animated playing cards; much like the ones seen on a gambling website. In continuation, creating a storyboard, and filming and editing the video for the portfolio tapped into my passion and expressiveness of cinematography which was something I was not expecting when beginning this coursework.

In conclusion, I have learned noticeable lessons in this 13-week course adventure. Firstly, creating a precise outline helps in time management, understanding roles, and minimising stress levels. Secondly, carefully reading sources and comprising relevant arguments is key to a decisive argument. Thirdly, allowing the flow of unique and creative ideas generates a piece of work that is more personal and meaningful that one can be proud of. This course has assisted in the improvement of my writing and social skills and has helped me widen my knowledge about the capabilities of IT which is vital in my journey through software engineering.