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Woah, this is a really attractive website


This portfolio is very descriptive and interactive. Insight details for a web user and the topic has well been documented. Great hardwork and dedication have been shown for this project.

A very loud applaud for you guys and keep the good work."The road to success is under construction ..... keep going guys".


Your dedication to exploring various facets of this complex topic is evident throughout the study. The way you lay out your findings is like a smooth jazz playlist- easy to follow and totally on point. Complex ideas made simple. Top-notch!! I’m still amazed you guys built this site from scratch. BRAVO to you!!


Feedback on the website design: I really enjoy the very interactive design which revolves the gambling topic. My feedback would be to make the slot machine faster, with perhaps a different Jackpot each time if possible. Secondly, I believe the page of the outline with the cards, while interactive, it would be good to mention something like "click on the card to view the next one." The same goes for after the outline cards; where should I click to go to the next page? Overall, amazing job.

Feedback on the text: I will not comment on the arguments as I believe you have done a quite extensive research on the topic. In terms of writing, the language appears to be very good. My suggestions for the final writing are:

  1. Some sentences in sections 4.0 and 5.0 have the same citation at the beginning and the end of them. Only one is enough.
  2. As you don't have subsection (i.e 4.1, 5.2), I would suggest using only 4 and 5.
  3. In the conclusion, you use the wordings "the government". As your title mentions "Governments", I would suggest use the same when concluding.

The video is excellent. Very clever while informative.



Dang the fact that we had to roll for same symbols to get to this site already had me hooked. Nice portfolio! It covered many points that I hadn't thought before

Friend of you

What a good research! I have learned something from this! This is impressive!

Dr T

Took me 5 minutes to recover from laughing at the introduction to the video. Congrats on doing extensive research and presenting your findings in such a winsome and lively manner. This portfolio is definitely one to remember and be proud of.

lee look toun

nice one guys!!!


It is visible that a lot of effort has been put on implementing this website. The research work also is informative. Love the small easter eggs! <3


I'm a poker player, (Zynga Poker). Normally we play with virtual money. For me it's a psychology game, which helps you to read people by the way they are playing, whether they are genuine or bluffing in the game, which can improve our decision making skills.

But when it comes to real money, it can be risky for users due to the introduction of AI. Since we have to insert our bank card details to make online transactions. PERSONAL DATA, can be leaked and money can be stolen without any transaction record or by anonymous transaction.

On the other hand, nice presentation, keep it up guys.


i really liked how the work was made immersive in the way that u make the person feel unconscioulsy really attached to the theme and not feel bored throughout the use of sounds and animations moreover i was actually really impressed by the sunk cost fallacy . A really interesting work.


The website is neat. Love how the theme of the website really sticks to the topic which is gambling. It's also fun to interact with the website makes me actually wanna gamble (sarcastic....maybe) I'm sure there are things needed to improve but overall the website was informative, organized, and very fun to interact with. It's awesome! Keep up the good work! you are on the path of a brighter future!


Love the green theme, gambling rocks. Those CSS effects tho ❤️ ❤️


What an Ace of a website;) overall, the layout of the website was clear and easy to navigate around, colour scheme was simple yet effective, and I liked the touch of using poker cards and other gambling-related elements that increased interactivity. The video introduced the website concisely, and the written research content was informative. Good job!

A. Nona Moose

Very cool concept and definitely a website that one will remember


Love your website! Amazing work and good luck!


Love the interactive website. Amazing work !. You have a bright future ahead of you.


I personally think the main idea of this website is fresh. The roadmap shows a clear view of the team's process and it's well done, very easy and clear to understand. The gacha part from the roadmap is really out of box, love it! The planning and final section also provided a precise explanation of their research paper. A website with a casino and gacha themed, a masterpiece and beyond expectation!


love the activate website, but hope there are more images so that UI looks intuitive.


clean website, liked how the website was made based on online gambling, the usage of online platform to explain online gambling and the explanation provided.


The look of the website is pretty good, the gambling theme is quite original. It is easy to use and contains relevant and informative facts about online gambling. The little animations and sound effects are great and make it fun to interact with. The gacha game is a nice touch!

  • Color palette well chosen, commendable and creative presentation of ideas.
  • Impressive use of language.
  • Each and every single detail was well thought of and brought value to this portfolio.
  • The youtube video was well executed.
  • Overall a brilliant work!

Website is pretty fun with the jackpot to first enter the website is very well made and an interesting concept, fits right with the theme of online gambling especially the 10x pull animation. Website is also very eye catching and strikes a good balance without it most things being overdone


This is such a creative way to display information making intuitive for users yet still informtive. The hamburger navigation isn’t convenient as it doesn’t close once a sight is chosen.


Nicely designed website. Very interesting and interactive.


Website have good design, with many amazing function used. As a programmer myself all the code used are amazing


I love the way this website is really interactive ! The creators are all indeed very creative and really put in all their amazing work into making this informative while also very fun


The idea for the website is really creative and in theme for this website. It's really well organize and easy to navigate.


This was really well made! Easy to navigate and really informative! You really knocked it out of the park with this one :)


The navbar ain't cooking.


The website looks really cool and I like how it's on theme with your research paper. The portfolio was organised well and easy to navigate.


What an incredible portfolio, it was organized logically and very informative.


The portfolio looks so clean and I love how some element of gacha games was implemented. The Information was easy to understand